Sunday, October 2, 2011

St. Philomena and Guardian Angels

So, it was family weekend at Mundelein, which I enjoyed very much.  It was nice having my parents up here and meeting other people's families.  Today, before one of the last family left (they were celebrating a seminarian's sister's 20th birthday), a few of us and the sister got into a discussion about Guardian Angels.  That was fitting because it's the feast-day instituted to honor the Angels that guard and protect us.

Then we got into the discussion about how St. Philomena knew her Guardian Angel's name because Mary the Mother of God revealed it to her in a vision.  One of the other seminarians was very skeptical of this, because not much "historical" facts are known about her.  However, the sister, Rachel, schooled us what was known and approved to be truth about St. Philomena.  So I decided to look her up and she was a champ.  I mean, I find her life to be amazing and you should read for yourself what her story is.  The link that I found which I discovered the most information for her is: St. Philomena.  It's definitely worth your time.

Going back to Guardian Angels, how often do we think of them and talk to them?  I mean, they're there looking out for us because God assigned them to us.  Do you take the one assigned to you for granted or do you think of it constantly.  I try to ask mine to protect me and watch out for me every day, but other than that I don't thank the Angel.  I need to be more conscious in my thanks and acknowledgment, what about you?  Any suggestions or thoughts on Guardian Angels?

In closing, here's the prayer asking your Angel to watch out for you:
Angel of God 
My guardian dear 
To Whom His love 
Commits me here 
Ever this day 
Be at my side 
To light and guard 
To rule and guide. Amen

As an added bonus, here's a video that someone put together to Alabama's song Angel's Among Us

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