Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Eyes on Jesus

So, this morning, I got up at 6:30 to be at adoration at 7.  Everybody knows that I'm not particularly a morning person because, if you didn't know before now, I just told you.  I can get up early, it's just not my preference.  However, I still have to adjust to and be okay with it.  We don't have to be friendly, just on speaking terms.  I got about 6 1/2 hours of sleep, so I was okay for the most part.

Ooh, for the most part, that means there was a part that didn't mesh.  It was hard to look at Jesus, both in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar and at the crucifix.  Every time I looked at either, my eyes started to close; so, I was having an internal dialogue with myself and with God trying to keep them open.  I was fighting my body, somewhat unsuccessfully.  Yet, I didn't have to fight at all to keep them open when I looked away from Him.  I had no problem at all and that made me think.

It's so easy to look away from Jesus because following Him can be difficult.  There are things around us that distract us so much that we have to fight to keep our eyes focused on Jesus.  Some of those things, people, or activities are particular to us as individuals (many more than one person struggle with them though), while others are directed at large groups of people at the same time.  Sometimes we fail, or at least I do, and we get wrapped up in ourselves and the things around us because it's enthralling.  However, we get back up and we force ourselves to ignore the things that keep us away from Him.  When we keep our eyes on Jesus during the hard times, the sad times, the happy times, and especially the distracting times, that's perseverance.

We're called to persevere, to say, "God, I'm having trouble keeping my eyes on you, but I love you so I'm going to push through."  We also can't be afraid to ask for help, whether it be "official" spiritual direction, a heart to heart with a mentor or friend or family member.  We can't do this on our own, and God put those people in our lives to help us to Him.  You and I may approach Him as bent and weathered from the storms of life, but He gave us the resources to reach Him.  So, if you need help keeping your eyes on Jesus or refocusing your eyes on Him, ask someone; if someone asks you for help, be the person that helps.  There's a video at the end of the post by the group "Jack's Mannequin" called "Swim."  I don't have any claim to it, but I think it kind of fits with this post.

However, before I close it out, I'd like to give a shout-out to  You can find the link for the site beside my blogposts, above the picture of St. James.  It's a new site put together by some friends of mine that is meant to be a resource for Catholic college students, and maybe more.  Right now, there's a few podcasts, some blog posts, and even a video entries.  I'm really looking forward to seeing how the site develops and grows, so please, add it to your favorites.  Until next time.

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